Sep 25, 2010

in dreams

You gave me a big hug, and I could even feel it 
The warm warm hug is like an autumn sweater
Autumn is coming, and  so do you 

Sep 24, 2010

Here I Stay !

聽了一整天"Here to stay",突然想把自己待過的地方留下點紀錄。

鹿港 - Lukang
台中 - Taichung
懶奔牛節台中巡展Nylas 音樂繪本故事屋台中Tizzy Bac雞雞叫老鼠會勤美誠品綠園道
台北 - Taipei
「雲門.面對大海的進行式」特展台北the wall live house無中生有(書法│符號│空間)劉文瑄 Mia Liu 的作品the space and a red ballon

Sep 23, 2010

The Wall @ Brady Street

Graffiti @ Brady St.
Mural @ Brady St.

Sia : Sweet Potato

Trader Joe's Sweet Potato chips
Trader Joe's Sweet Potato Chips

"She cooks you sweet potato you don't like aubergine
She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from grease
She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure
And so she stands and waits anticipating your thoughts"

Sep 22, 2010

Sia : Death by Chocolate

Marie Belle Sweets

"Tears on your pillow will dry and you will learn
Just how to love again
Oh my weeping willow
Let your leaves fall and return
Oh darling the seasons are your friend"
(Completed Lyrics)

Sail To The Moon by Radiohead

中秋 @ San Francisco

"Happiness only real when shared"

Golden Gate Bridge w/ Fog

When The Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

magnolia bakery
一直以來對Cupcake(CC)沒有特別的熱情,對它的想法就是甜到死人不償命的美國甜食,吃它的次數可用一隻手數的出來,到紐約主動找是因為影集Sex and the  City裡CarrieMagnoliaBakery門口吃著他們的CC,就當時熱愛影集的心情,造訪Magnolia是必然的。

Sep 21, 2010

Sep 8, 2010

London : St. Mary Abbots Church

St. Mary Abbots Church
St. Mary Abbots Church
St. Mary Abbots Church
"In loving & sacred memory of Charles Elmer Southwell. A president of kensington who departed this life. Nove 14 1932. Aged 74 and his wife Eleanor Emma who died Dec 10 1957"
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