May 29, 2011

Three More Balloons

詞、曲、唱:何欣穗 Ciacia

給我一個氣球 減輕一點點重
再給我兩個氣球 讓害怕也飛走 飛走
給我三個氣球 少一些拘束 少一點傳統

地球繼續轉動 不等你不等我
地球繼續轉動 未來就是現在 Bye-Bye
地球不停轉動 我不宜久留 所謂 life goes on
再給我一個氣球 我還要幾個氣球

十個氣球 十個氣球

給我一個氣球 減輕一點點重
再給我兩個氣球 把自私也帶走 帶走
給我三個氣球 少一些人情 少一點囉嗦

再給我幾個氣球 我還要十個氣球
再給我幾個氣球 我還要十個氣球

Chinatown, San Francisco
the space and a red balloon
信義區, 台北

All About Typography

Sia : Academia
Kinetic Typography Movie

Pentagram New Work: Parking at 13-17 East 54th St.
Pentagram New Work: Parking at 13-17 East 54th St.
Pentagram New Work: Parking at 13-17 East 54th St.
Pentagram New Work: Parking at 13-17 East 54th St.

May 12, 2011

The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship Reading Notes

good way to learn math! / Mighty Math Muffins recipe
by Andrea Israel & Nancy Garfinkel

"You can fool the human eyes but you can't fool the eye in the sky."  P. 47

"Sometimes people we love can't love us in ways that we wish to be loved. Not because we aren't worthy of that love, but for other reasons, beyond our control." P.128

"Isn't it kind of peculiar how everyone uses New Year's Eve as an excuse for getting drunk and saying, "This year will be different." Because everything stays the same. All the people who say "We shall overcome" don't even know what tyranny is all about. We're always living in fear and threat of wars and hatred." P.132

May 10, 2011




May 5, 2011

『We Don't Even Shake Hands』小故事

多虧張懸才讓我聽到八厘米天空,好一陣子張懸常自彈自唱他們的『Her November Dairy』,張懸常翻唱歌,且不得不說,從她口中唱出的歌都變的「好張懸」。聽過翻唱後就逐一找回原唱,或許這就是她翻唱的理由吧?! 因此聽到了Mansun的Drak Mavis & Mansun's only love song、The Rolling Stone的Wild Horses 、Neil Young的Slowpoke (Blog正是用這首歌來命名) 、李宗盛的沒有人知道 和狗毛的空虛... 等等,看來我應該感謝張懸不下上百次才是。

Sunday Afternoon

The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat
Mission District, San Francisco
A Sunday afternoon at Dolores Park by Daniel Doherty
A Sunday afternoon at Dolores Park by Daniel Doherty

Sunday Afternoon by Rachael Yamagata

May 2, 2011

Shark Toof Works


San Francisco, CA
Murals by Shark Toof @ Hemlock & Polk Street
Murals @ Hemlock & Polk Street
Polk Street & Hemlock Street, Little Saigon
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