Jul 29, 2009

Broadcast - Come On Let's Go (2000)

Come into my dreams....

Miss or Mrs. X,Y,Z.....
S. You finally come out !
But, I'm not into you.

It's just a figure.
It's just a fantasy.
Come on let's go.

Jul 21, 2009







(ps: 那個"原因"應該也是妳離開的原因)

(untitled - unfinished)


為何這個位子永遠都不是選項之一? 是因為"氣味"嗎? 像狗撒尿一樣?


Love has been so far away until the day we met  
Love is never easy to say,
but when I'm with you
no words need to be said to feel Love

no one will need to love you
as much as I need to
no one will need to be loved by
you as much as I need to
So, Loveis such a wonderful thing

收錄音機、CD player、電腦的喇叭、MP3 player、iPod。以都是從這些器材聽到這首歌,現在就直接在眼前原音重現,我應該像小歌迷一樣尖叫嗎?沒有,妳一邊唱著,我還是看著螢幕,頭也不回的。
為什麼一切是那麼平凡,我應該感到興奮、心跳加快、眼淚打轉,像第一次聽到Aimee Mann唱Save Me一樣。應該是"氣味"吧?這個聲音就像氣味一樣久久不散,而且是早就殘留在這個空間,已經屬於這裡,所以一切是如此理所當然。



Would you let me hold your hand?
Would you let me ease your pain?
Would you care if I say that I will.

Would you like to walk with me?
Would you like to stay with me?
Would you like to watch the clouds with me?

Would you ever feel the same?
Would you ever feel this way?
Would you ever tell me that you love me?

Truly I'm no one in this world, and you are a star wherever you go.
I do know you love the way I call out your name.
So please tell me that you feel the same.
Tell me that you'll hold my hand.
Tell me that you'll watch the clouds with me.


Jul 20, 2009

Truman Capote by Richard Avedon

New York City. Oct 10, 1955  


原來早就看過Richard Avedon的作品。
是的,那也是出自Richard Avedon之手。


Jul 9, 2009

愛Tizzy Bac絕對是Rock’n roll的style

(((我愛Tizzy Bac)))
(((我愛Tizzy Bac)))

Jul 4, 2009


it's night, but December
just watched Sex and the City,
Carrie had her 35 year-old birthday with soul mates and Mr. Big

I'm 24
half way to 25

at night, only "December Night" with me
it's all i got

Jul 3, 2009



8年,只有二張專輯的滿腔熱血情況下寫下了"我要黃小楨"、找到最適合聽"December Night" 和 "If I Could"的夜景、找到和她最親密連結的"賞味期限"專輯、當然,還有一直不變的"大溪地"。

8年雖久 但是 從未淡忘妳的吉他和聲音 因為 它們早就存在於生活中


Jul 1, 2009

San Francisco Pride Parade

少女在變妝的隊舞裡看到學校的老師 & bisexual的隊舞裡看到朋友。
這趟LGBT Parade之行算是收獲不少!

2009 Jan - Sep Uncoming Events

Feb,13 Tizzy Bac "如果看見地獄,我就不怕魔鬼" 專輯發行

Mar,05 Sara Bareilles plus Tony Lucca @ Cafe Du Nord (>///<) Mar,17 Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz!" album released (Karen O is BACK !!!!!!)
Mar,24 Mono "Hymn to the Immortal Wind" album released

April,18 Brian & Cathy's Wedding @ Trentadue Winery
April,28 A Camp "Stronger than Jesus" album released (等8年,終於發第二張)

May,01 Alexander Barantschik - Vivaldi's The Four Seasons @ Davies Symphony Hall (終於有伴一起去聽嘍!) 天殺的超讚! 連其他不熟的曲目也好聽的要命!!
May,22 張懸 - 城市專輯
May,30 洪流。潮流。分流。水 - 張懸新專輯"城 市"與創作世界@信義誠品5F
May,30 Mono & 甜梅號 @ The Wall (該死要命的震撼)

June,13 楊乃文演唱會 @ 台北巨蛋
June,14 Tizzy Bac雞雞叫老鼠會@台中文英館
June,28 San Francisco Pride Parade @ Market St.

July, 04 黃小楨 - No Budget 專輯
July, 14 Coldplay @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre Marysville (意外的演唱會&旅程)
July, 18-19 Renegade Craft Fair @ Fort Mason

Aug, 01 Film Night in the Park - Rretty in Pink @ Dolores Park (8:00PM)
Aug, 04 Elizabeth & the Catapult @ Cafe Du Nord
Aug, 8-9 Vintage Paper Fair @ Golden Gate Park at 9th Ave
Aug, 09 Sunday Streets San Francisco @ Great Highway to GGP (10AM-2PM)
Aug, 22 Film Night in the Park - ON THE WATERFRONT @ Union Square (8:00PM)
Aug, 28 - 30 San Francisco Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival

Sep, 05 Shakespeare in the Park (Free) @ Presidio (7:30PM)
Sep, 06 Sunday Streets San Francisco @ Great Highway to GGP (10AM-2PM)
Sep, 06 Golden Gate Park Band @ GGP (1PM)
Sep, 07 Shakespeare in the Park (Free) @ Persidio (2:30PM)
Sep, 10 Yeah Yeah Yeahs @ Fox Theather (U GUYS ARE FINALLY HERE!!)
U MOTHER FxCKER!!!!!! Yeah Yeah Yeahs completes ME
Sep, 12 Power to the Peaceful Festival @ Golden gate Park (9AM-5PM)
Sep, 19 Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo @ SOMArts Cultural Center
Sep, 19 Film Night in the Park - The Dark Night @ Dolores Park
Sep, 19-20 Family Day Kite Festival @ Marina Green (11AM-6PM)
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