Aug 31, 2008

A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost

"All my life, I’ve been drowned by all these wines and all the crowd
In my dreams, you made me proud but still we’re haunted, so haunted
Right now…"

A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost
words & music by ciacia (12.2007)

If you would sing me a song, a simple one could cheer me up
Then I would take this walk let you decide which way to go
In my life, there were doubts, different kinds made me frown
In my dreams, you were found, I must be haunted…

If you would write me a poem, just simple lines could make things work
Then I would find you a home where mountains high and water flows
All my life, I’ve fooled around, though I’ve tried to settle down
In my dreams, you pronounced that I’ve been haunted
By now….

If you would help me grow, some pretty flowers and St. John’s wort
Then I would take it slow to stay alive a few years more
All my life, I’ve been drowned by all these wines and all the crowd
In my dreams, you made me proud but still we’re haunted, so haunted
Right now…

lyrics from : 倔強女聲


"如果你吃了 就會愛上我 不會辣 不會苦"
"好想喜歡你 好想吃了你"
"我想的 我想的"
擷取於花吃了那女孩OST中"想想"歌詞by魏如萱 (完整歌詞)

擷取於 甜蜜的負荷—吳晟 詩.歌專輯"我不和你談論"歌詞by吳晟 (完整歌詞)

Aug 22, 2008

Fingersmith reading notes Part 2 (7-10)

"The start, I think I know too well, It is the first of my mistakes." (P.187) (0816)
進入Part 2,和影集一樣是最不想看到的部份,因為Maud再也不是Sue想像的純真、無知。

"...'Girls' tears,' says Mr Huss. 'Quite colourless.' ' I think not. Truly, sir, I think not. I fancy them delicately tinged - perhaps pink, perhaps violet.' ' Perhaps,' says Mr Hawtrey, ' as depending on the emotion that has provoked them?' ' Exactly. You have hit it, Hawtrey, there. Violet tears, for a melancholy book; pink, for a gay. ...."
"... Unexpectedly, I think of Agnes. I think of Agens's mouth teasing a bead of blood from her pricked palm. ... " (P.219) (0820)

"... Then she blinks - remembers her training, I suppose - makes a hasty curtsey. .... She thinks me a fool. the idea upsets me, more than it should. I think, You have come to Briar to ruin me. I step to take her hand. Won't you colour, or tremble, or hide your eyes? ..." (P255)

"... She eats three eggs, spooning hem quickly, neatly into her mouth - not shuddering at the yieldin of the yolk, not thinking, as she swallows, of the closing of her own throat about the meat. She wipes her lips with her fingers, touches her tongue to some spot upon her knuckle; then swallows again.
You have come to Briar, I think, to swallow up me." (P259)

" ... Once we talk of dancing. She rises and lifts her skirt, to show me a step. Then she pulls me to my feet, and turns and turns me; and i Feel, where she presses against me. the quickening beat of her heart - I feel it pass from her to me and become mine. " (P268)

" May a lady taste the fingers of her maid? she may, in my uncle's books. - The thought makes me colour. " (P270) (0821)

"... She has let one fall, and has not seen it; the two of hearts. I place my heel upon it, imagining one of the painted red hearts my own; and I grind it into the carpet." (P272)

"... You have been too long among your uncle's books. Girls love easily, there. That is the point of them. If they loved so in life, the books would not have to be written." (P291)
"Even my uncle's books are changed to me; and this is worse, this is worst of all. I have supposed them dead. Now the words - like the figures in the walls - start up, are filled with meaning...."(P295) (0822)
畢竟書是人寫出來的。Gentleman小看Maud & Sue了。

Aug 17, 2008

Fingersmith Reading notes (Part 1)

"...Her crinoline was made of watchspring. Her hair, inside its net, was fixed with half a pound of pins, and a comb of silver. Her petticoats and shimmy were calico. Underneath it all, however, she was soft and smooth as butter. Too soft, I thought her, I imagined her bruising. She was like a lobster without its shell...."(P.88) (0806)
Sarah老大,妳把Maud形容的太可口了!好想把Maud咬下去呀 (羞)

"Her breath was sweet. Her hands and arms were warm. Her face was smooth as ivory or alabaster, In a few weeks' time, I thought - if our plot worked - she would be lying in the bed of madhouse. Who would there be to be kind to her, then?" (P.93)

"... the more I said to myself, 'She's nothing to you', the harder I tried to pluck the idea of her out of my heart, the more she stayed there. All day I sat or walked with her, so full of the fate I was bringing her to I could hardly touch her or meet her gaze; and all night I lay with my back turned to her, the blanket over my ears to keep out her sighs. But in the hours in between, when she went to her uncle, I felt her - I felt her, through the walls of the house, like some blind crooks are said to be able to feel gold. It was as if there had come between us, a kind of thread. It pulled me to her, wherever she was. It was like -
It's like you love her, I thought." (P.144)

"....' what it is a wife must do, on her wedding - night!' " (P.146)

"... I shivered. Still she held my gaze with hers. Then she spoke again. 'Come here,' she said." (P.169) (0816)
竟然在我等Mama's的Brunch最久的一次看到這段,一邊流口水一邊肚子餓,真為難我 (腦子裡都是畫面)

Aug 14, 2008

200 times / Universe & U

剛過了iTunes裡第200次的Universe & U,iPod裡也到了201次。
有次和朋友到日本城吃涮涮鍋,廣播持續播放好聽的音樂,其中一首"國歌"的歌詞是"Suddenly I see ,this is what I wanna be"。其實一聽前奏就知道是一首曾經很紅的歌但想不起是在哪裡聽到的(這就是國歌的必備條件,第一個音一出現就有"喔!是這首歌呀"的OS)。問朋友知不知道誰唱的,也沒人能解答,而我自己也答不出來,我想這首歌應該是出現在"買CD疲態"的年份,所以歌都聽聽就過,沒認真的follow。過一陣子在You Tube上看到用Universe & U這首歌當Fingersmith背景樂的影片而搜尋演唱人的專輯才發現,原來那首國歌就是她唱的呀!
KT Tunstal,來自蘇格蘭的Singer & Songwriter,嗓音偏低和有點沙啞,是很有力量的聲音。第一張專輯『Eye To The Telescope』(2004)就讓她的力量傳片世界,專輯裡就有國歌級"Suddenly I See"、"Black Horse & The Cherry Tree"、"Other Side Of The World"。
雖然有那麼多國歌,但我的最愛還是用在Fingersmith的"Universe & U"。雖然不是主打歌、沒有MV,但曲、歌詞和沙啞加上一點嘶吼的聲音都是這首歌的動人之處。當然因為看了Fingersmith和這首歌詞的搭配,也讓Universe & U更是大大加分,每會聽歌就會想到Sue和Maud,想著想著都會眼眶泛紅呀。
Video : Fingersmith
Song : Universe & U by KT Tunstall

A fire burns
Water comes
You cool me down
When I'm cold inside
You are warm and bright
You know you are so good for me
With your child's eyes
You are more than you seem
You see into space
I see in your face
The places you've been
The things you have learned
They sit with you so beautifully

You know there's no need to hide away
You know I tell the truth
We are just the same
I can feel everything you do
Hear everything you say
Even when you're miles away
Cause I am me, the universe and you

Just like stars burning bright
Making holes in the night
We are building bridges

You know

When you're on your own
I'll send you a sign
Just so you know
I am me, the universe and you
雖然Sue逃離瘋人院後非常氣自己被出賣,但那夜逃離Mr Lily家時偷拿了一隻Maud的手套、雖然Sue氣瘋的趕回Lant Street要和所以人算帳包括Maud,但當看到Maud站在自家窗前時她卻激動流淚,這都證明了她是愛Maud的。

Aug 12, 2008


今天又拿Fingersmith DVD來看,Maud的那句 "look at me, Sue. "聽了真是害羞死啦!把這句放在msn當狀態,果不其然內行人金姐在我告知她Lena有新影集後首先發難:"靠你幹嘛寫這句台詞(大羞)"哈!我們都在肖想Maud呀!哪天Maud真的對我們說這句,整個人就直接飛過去啦!哪需要Maud再講"come here",我們是很自動的!

剛才轉到FOX頻道,竟然看到Lena主演的影集Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,以後Sun - Wed都有正妹可以看啦! (開心)
pic from : Terminator Official Website

預購了AffinityDVD,又有Sarah老大的作品可以看啦!妳真的是位很棒的小說家,看來 AffinityThe Night Watch 勢必要啃完它們!

Aug 6, 2008


讓我們祈禱Feist會和Broken Social Scene一起來8月24日的San Francisco's Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival,就讓我看妳一眼、聽一次妳的聲音吧! 當然也非常期待BSS的演出!

Broken Social Scene - 7/4 (Shoreline)

內傷系 - Sara Bareilles

Song : Gravity
Artist :
Sara Bareilles
Album : Little Voice (2007)

Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I’ll still feel you here ’til the moment I’m gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be.
I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I’m supposed to be.
But you’re on to me and all over me.

You loved me ’cause I’m fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.

Set me free, leave me be.
I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I’m supposed to be.
But you’re on to me and all over me.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you’re everything I think I need here on The ground.
But you’re neither friend nor foe though I can’t seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down

Your keeping me down,
Your on to me, your on to me and all over
Something always brings me back to you
It never takes to long…


"Something always brings me back to you It never takes to long… "
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